Wednesday, July 14, 2010

30 weeks

During the first trimester I told myself that when I reach 30 weeks, it'd be real fast from there.

And finally here I am. At 30 weeks. Feeling very 'kan cheong' and scared at the same time. I hope time passes real fast because I cannot wait to see how Peter Pan Baby looks like :)

But then again I hope he doesn't come out earlier as we haven't purchased all of his stuff just yet.

So stay in there Peter Pan Baby and enjoy swimming while you still can because mommy isn't a big fan of swimming hehe.

I'm 63.8kg this morning....

Approximate calculation:
1st trimester: 1kg
2nd trimester: 8.4kg
28 weeks - 29 weeks: 0.3kg
29 weeks - 30 weeks: 0.1kg
Total weight gain so far: 9.8kg

Maybe there is hope after all that I won't go overboard with my weight if I can maintain it at this steady pace.

I am still in the midst of battling this cold I have. It's sorta subsiding but still there.

I realise my skin is more sensitive these days. The other day I pulled some dry skin off the side of my finger and that part became swollen for a few days -_-

And I recently have these 2 big mosquito bites on my right foot and when I scratched 1 of them, it started to bleed! *faints*

Other than that, my hair/scalp is really weird. It gets oily real fast. And each time I change to a new shampoo and after using a particular brand of shampoo for a few days, my scalp/hair would get oily again.

So now I'm rotating between 3 brands of shampoos every week.

I've been going to the toilet a lot lately. And that also it's because I've been downing water non-stop to help curb this cold.

At work I'd be going to the toilet every hour and at night, I'd be waking up once every 2 hours. Oh what fun! Guess this sort of prepares me for Peter Pan Baby's sleep pattern in future.

I have approximately 8 more weeks to go. I can't wait! I just can't wait!!! :)

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