Tuesday, June 29, 2010

28 weeks

-- Belly at 23 weeks VS. belly at 28 weeks --

The bump has definitely grown in 5 weeks. And I have approximately 10 more weeks to go so can you imagine how big I'd be then? *gulp*

Stepping on the scale each morning is also another scary task. Especially when you have gained weight over the past week :(

I'm 63.4kg this morning.

Approximate calculation of weight gain so far:
1st trimester: 1kg
2nd trimester: 7.9kg
27 weeks - 28 weeks: 0.5kg
Total weight gain: 9.4kg *sniff*

I experienced my first leg cramp last Saturday night while I was sleeping. Felt those cramps before as I used to take ballet and it happened quite often to me whenever I didn't warm up properly. Painful but bearable I guess.

Nothing much different this week apart from the leg cramp. I am still finding it hard to sleep continuously throughout the night.

Am still very tired throughout the day. I *try* to exercise by walking each time but I feel so tired even after 5 minutes.

Peter Pan Baby on the other hand is getting really active these days. He's always rolling/turning/scurrying around. Sometimes he gives me real hard kicks which makes me wonder if he's showing tantrums in there.

I have approximately 10 more weeks to go since we have not decided a date for the c-sect yet. Can't wait! :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tim Tams

So my mom is obsessed with feeding me. She keeps telling me that she bought heaps of different types of tim tams from her Australia trip and that I should go eat them.

Yes, I'm a fan of tim tams but looking at the rate that I'm gaining weight, I'm trying to be wary about these small lil' things that would give me the unnecessary calories.

I told her that I don't want to have those tim tams because I'm worried about the calories. So she suggested that I consume a piece each day -_-

Oh what fun. Each day I get to look forward to a piece of tim tam -_-

Anyhoo, it didn't help either when my dad added "ya, I can see your face rounder already".

I don't know why but I was a bit disturbed by his remark so I kinda defended myself by telling him it's due to fluid retention.

And he went like "hah! fluid retention". Together with a snicker. Thank you Daddy.

Oh well, the more motivation for me to really lose weight in 2 months+ time.

On another note, over the weekend, I finally got down to buying the other not-so-exciting stuff for Peter Pan Baby:

-- Cotton wool; bottle washing liquid; head to toe cleanser; lotion; bottle & teat brushes --

A lil' conversation I had with Peter Pan Daddy while shopping for the above stuff....

Me: You think the head to toe cleanser is enough ah?

Peter Pan Daddy: Ya... it already states head to toe right?

Me: Well, they have another bottle called 'shampoo' but what if Peter Pan Baby has no hair?

Peter Pan Daddy: Oh yeah, don't get that. I had very little hair when I was a baby.

Me too. I think I was quite bald when I was a baby.

So we're both assuming now that Peter Pan Baby is going to be bohtak. Who else thinks so? :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Stuff for Peter Pan Mommy

Last nite, we went to Bebehaus as I wanted to get this tortoise toy that shines stars onto the ceiling from his shell because I erm read that Nicole Richie uses it -_-

Sadly, it was sold out and they're still waiting for the new stock to arrive (which might be today and I'm now contemplating whether I should go back there tonight to get it!).

So anyways, we started looking at other stuff - Peter Pan Daddy browsing the drawers stand; me the other colourful stuff :)

Then I saw a section on breast pumps and started asking more information about them. All along I wasn't sure whether I'd succeed in breastfeeding so it didn't really dawn on me to get a pump (or spend all that money on a pump).

That's why the plan was to borrow the pump off my friend for 2 months to try out before I go back to work after maternity leave.

But Peter Pan Daddy offered to purchase it for me so what the heck! :)

I wanted to get a manual pump but they only sold electric ones so I narrowed it down to the Medela Swing:

Which you can either use the battery-operated function or electric point.

Also, according to the salesgirl, it has this 2-phase technology that mimics a baby sucking/feeding from your boobs. 1st phase would be rapid sucking and then it turns into the 2nd phase of slo-mo suction. Something like that.

And apparently it helps prevent your nipples from becoming too sore too. Which is one of the fears I have.

I actually read through the manual last night and it seems like it's real tedious to wash/sterilise after every pump. Imagine having to go through the whole routine every 2-3 hours in the middle of the night!

So if anyone has any short cut methods on how to quickly wash the pump after use, pleaseeeeee.... I'd be so grateful if you could share!

Apart from the pump, I also bought the below stuff from Earth Mama Angel Baby:

-- Shampoo & Body wash; Milkmaid Tea; C-Mama Healing Salve --

Since I haven't bought any shampoo/body wash for Peter Pan Baby, I thought of trying out this brand since I've read about the big hoo-haa on using organic products for your baby so this is my share of using organic products ok!

The Milkmaid Tea apparently is to help you produce more milk as I've heard many stories about not having enough milk? So I hope this tea would help me in a way.

As I have decided to go ahead with a c-section (a story which I shall leave for another day once I find out the exact date I'd like to go for it), another mother that went through a c-section told me to get some cream/balm for the scar.

And that's where the C-Mama Healing Salve comes in. Apart from scars, it can be used for stretch marks or even rashes as it is a herbal scar & skin balm.

I guess last nite's purchases were the most expensive that I've (or Peter Pan Daddy *koff*) spent on myself so far in this pregnancy. I hope it'd all be real useful when the time comes!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

27 weeks check-up

Had the fastest check-up yesterday.

All is well with Peter Pan Baby. He now weighs 1.142kg.

So the rapid weight gain for the past few weeks is either on my arms, thighs or face -_-

We didn't get any photos of him because he was facing down. Shy I think. Just like his mommy :)

So the next check-up will be in 4 weeks time...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

27 weeks

So... my weight is still increasing non-stop. What's new? I'm a whooping 62.9kg this morning.

It feels real weird to see the scale at sixties. Somehow makes you want to just dig a hole and never face the world again.

Until you console yourself that it's the baby gaining weight and not take note of those flabby arms or chubby face.

Approximate calculation below:
1st trimester: 1kg
2nd trimester: 7.3kg
26 weeks - 27 weeks: 0.6kg
Total weight gain so far: 8.9kg - might as well round it up to 9kg *faints*

And I still have 13 more weeks to go... I am very very afraid of not being able to lose all this weight after Peter Pan Baby is out.

So far, I have had rashes on my feet. It itches. I scratch them non-stop until a point whereby they dry up and have no signs of disappearing soon.

I haven't been getting much sleep the past few nights since Friday. It all started with the joint/muscle pain in my right leg and then my right arm had its turn.

Apart from that, my lower back and tailbone were aching and Peter Pan Baby just cannot stop shuffling/rolling around at night.

It seems like he's rolling around 24/7. I wonder if he's having nightmares whereby they're causing him to jolt every so often or he's throwing tantrums in there.

Whenever I lie on my side, I can feel him scurrying which kind of feels ticklish hehe.

Either way, I think he's just bored. And he keeps me up at night most of the time. I guess I'm thankful to be able to feel him this often rather than not considering what a worrier I am.

Will be seeing Peter Pan Baby tomorrow as tomorrow is the day for my next check-up. Whoopee! Can't wait to see him and also that means I'm on half day! :)

Friday, June 18, 2010


Each day for breakfast at work, I will make myself 2 pieces of bread folded with chicken/pork floss + a little mayo spread.

I've been packing the same thing for weeks now to bring to work.

But I notice that each loaf bought on a Sunday, expires on Thursdays.

So every Friday I try to have something different just so I don't get bored of eating bread with floss & mayo because I would be real lazy to think of new things to eat.

Friday's breakfast - so far I've tried the below:
- Individually packaged cream bread by Gardenia
- Twiggies
- Roti canai from the canteen downstairs in my office building
- Raisin & cheese bread from Berry's
- Lemon crisps
- Arnott's cookies
- And today, I had a huge @ss white choc macadamia cookie from Coffee Bean!

Any other suggestions to spice up my Friday breakfast menu a little? :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

26 weeks

Ouh.. I'm a little sad as I stepped onto the scale this morning: 62.3kg it read *sniff*

Approximate calculation below:
1st trimester: 1kg
2nd trimester: 6.4
25 weeks - 26 weeks: 0.9kg

Total weight gain so far: 8.3kg *gulp*

Was it due to the waffles with belgian chocolate & ice-cream at Theobrama's last weekend? *slouches*

Looks like my aim of only putting on 10kg throughout this whole pregnancy is going to fail big time.

But other than the depressing weight gain, all is well at the moment.

I am finding it hard to sleep at night as I'm real worried about lying on my back completely so every 2 hours I'd wake up and ensure that I'm sleeping on my side.

Or at least at a 45 degree angle -_-

Occasionally I do feel a slight pain on my lower abdomen. Especially when I cough too hard.

My legs are starting to get slightly swollen. And I only noticed this because when I went for a pedicure last weekend, the girl told me to go for some leg massage specially for pregnant women to ensure that the swelling doesn't get worse.

Got such thing ah?

Peter Pan Baby on the other hand, has been real active. But there are days whereby he's pretty quiet like last Saturday whereby I was worrying non-stop and kept asking Peter Pan Daddy how? how? how?

Peter Pan Baby's rolls/kicks have been quite prominent these days that when I stare at my belly, I can see him "scurrying" around :)

And I think I've recently started to experience his hiccups. It's rather faint and at a constant pace. Super cute!

My next check-up with the gynae would be next Wed.

8 more days until I get to see a glimpse of Peter Pan Baby again.

14 more weeks until I get to see the real Peter Pan Baby!

Monday, June 14, 2010

More baby stuff!

Woohoo! Look what we got over the weekend:

Yep, Peter Pan Daddy finally made his first purchase for his son. The car seat!

I don't think he did much research on car seats.

However, we both saw the demo at Bebehaus and found that this brand Concord apparently has Auto Bild - some safety feature which is super hardy and safe so that probably made us decide on getting this car seat.

And even baby car seats have different manufacturing dates ok! It's like buying a car altogether.

We got the 2009 model because who really cares about new and improved finishing or the type of seat material used?

Peter Pan Daddy wanted to choose blue -_- I think most of Peter Pan Baby's stuff are in blue so I suggested that we take brown instead.

Matches my black car also *koff*

Other than that, I bought:

-- Washcloths for bath time! --

My friend told me to get these so I got a pack of 10. Hope that's enough.

.... and:

-- Breast milk storage bags --

Because I wouldn't know how long I can breastfeed until so I'm just gonna try using storage bags first and if I do succeed in breastfeeding, I might get the storage bottles instead.

That's it for now. I keep checking my baby check list and it seems like there are still so many little stuff here and there to get.

I hope I will know when to use what when the time arrives. Wish me luck! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

In pregnancy, you'd know you are big when:

1) You brush your teeth and your t-shirt becomes wet due to your belly touching the wet counter top.

2) You need to stand a little further away from the cupboard when you open the door in case it hits your belly.

3) You start walking like Samo Hung.

4) You brush away excess powder or fallen eyelashes from your face and it lands on your tummy.

5) You can't bend over comfortably to apply lotion to your feet.

6) Your wedding band doesn't fit anymore (especially when it was half a size bigger when you first bought it).

7) Your belly sticks onto your thighs when you sit.

8) Your love handles begin from above your hips.

9) Your chair squeaks each time you sit down.

10) You start shopping for "L" sized clothes.

11) and a shoe size bigger.

12) The big bed that you normally sleep in seems to suddenly lack space.

13) People start staring at your belly.

14) It gets real hard to get out from a car. Or takes you ages to do so.

15) The toilet seat starts cutting into your butt cheeks -_-

16) And last but not least, your baby kicks you non-stop due to the snug clothes you're wearing.

What else did I leave out? :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Counting kicks

I have started counting since last week. Trying to get myself in the routine of doing so but I do admit I've failed to do it a few days sometimes.

I know that you're suppose to count 10 kicks but my big question is how do you differentiate Peter Pan Baby's hiccups from his kicks?

I've read that hiccups do not contribute as the number of kicks so I'm worried I'm counting wrongly. Hence, I've been making myself count to 15 kicks instead -_-

He's been moving a lot lately like almost ALL the time and I'm grateful for it since I'm a worrier and tend to think something's not right if he hasn't moved in a while (or if I did not notice any movement).

His movements are so frequent that even when I sleep at night these days, I can still feel him moving and his movements sort of keep me awake.

But whatever it is, I do hope and pray that all is well and will be alright :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sleepless nights

I haven't been getting continuous sleep throughout the night these days.

It's either I'd need to wake up to pee in the middle of the night, or Peter Pan Baby would be active throughout the night, or my mind would still be working even when I'm sleeping.

I can't seem to find a comfortable position either. I've been reading up online that it's bad if you sleep on your back and that you should sleep on your side especially on your left.

I've tried sleeping completely on my left side but each time I do so, I'm paranoid that I'm squashing Peter Pan Baby.

It doesn't help either that each time I lay on my side, Peter Pan Baby starts moving around resulting in me worrying about whether he's frantically trying to tell me that I'm hurting him.

I've even read that you should put pillows under your bump to support it but how is that possible really? If you do put a pillow to support your bump when you lie on your side, won't the pillow sort of throw you back into your back position?

I hope I master the technique of the sleeping position soon because these sleepless nights have been making me real tired at work.

It gets even worse right after lunch *yawn*

And I can't even reach for coffee. Or tea. *slouches*

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

25 weeks

61.4kg this morning. I guess I kind of maintained my weight throughout the week by cutting back on ice-cream and cakes. And of course rice too!

Approximate calculation below:
1st trimester: 1kg
2nd trimester: 6.3kg
24 weeks - 25 weeks: 0.1kg

Total weight gain so far: 7.4kg

I *think* my baby bump has grown bigger recently. But I shall refrain from posting photos just yet as I would really like to compare it at 28 weeks :)

I say this because I am seriously running out of clothes to wear. The ones that I could wear before even with the baby bump, I find them snug these days.

So I guess the bump's definitely getting bigger or either that I'm growing bigger everywhere.

I even stopped wearing my wedding band as the other day while I was trying to remove it, I bruised the whole finger as it was too tight.

I really think everywhere is expanding bit by bit.

The pregnancy rashes on my belly is starting to itch. I do apply body lotion onto specific dots but it doesn't seem to help.

Maybe I should get a cream from my gynae the next time I see him.

I find that my thighs are increasing in size too. And how do I know this is because if I were to wear a dress, my thighs kind of stick to each other and I start sweating in that area damn gross I know.

I recently cut my hair even shorter. Up until my chin. I hope it grows out nicely just in time for confinement.

I'm convinced that by the use of Benefit's Rebelite, my skin has become extremely smoother. If you haven't tried it, I totally recommend it.

It's tinted moisturiser with SPF. Almost like BB cream but with more moisturising properties. You just have to try it to believe it! :)

Peter Pan Baby is becoming more active lately. Especially at night when everyone is fast asleep, he'll be rolling around and nudging me occasionally.

I seriously can't wait to meet him!! 15 more weeks y'all!! :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Almost there!

Ever since we knew we were expecting a baby boy, the shopping started!

We planned to buy some stuff every month just so we have everything spreaded out which won't be too costly for us.

On the list of baby stuff to get, I'm in charge of getting every other thing except for the stroller, car seat and cot (because those things are quite boring I guess Peter Pan Daddy can decide on those things better).

So last weekend, I finally got down to getting one of my larger purchases:

The Tommee Tippee package whereby it has an electronic steam steriliser, 4 bottles and a brush.

I got 10% off because I'm officially a member of Mothercare (so you can imagine how much I've spent at Mothercare to become a member).

Another thing which isn't essential but I knew I always wanted to get for Peter Pan Baby was this Sleep Bear which I first saw in Bebehaus:

How can one resist cuddling him? The bear is super soft and at the same time has a monitor embedded in him whereby it can play up to 6 different sounds:
1) White noise
2) Womb
3) Lullaby
4) Ocean surf
5) Heart beat
6) Car ride

And apparently the sounds help to soothe babies (and I really hope that it does!).

Needless to say, this bear was a bit on the expensive side but considering it is the only toy Peter Pan Baby will ever have until he's probably old enough to appreciate toys, it was worth it.

When Peter Pan Baby is old enough to roll/turn around, I guess I'd have to sleep with the bear to avoid any accidents (whereby I get to cuddle the bear *koff*) and remove the monitor to be near Peter Pan Baby instead (that is if the sounds really do work on him!).

At Bebehaus, I also got this hooded towel:

And the above 2 purchases from Bebehaus helped make me be a member of Bebehaus too.

I am now slowly turning into members of all baby shops soon -_-

The next big thing on my list would be the Fisher-Price rocking chair. So that'll be next month's update :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sanrio loots!

Last weekend, we were in Singapore in time for the Big Singapore Sale!

It was super crowded probably due to the long weekend as well. I had this phobia that someone might crash into my belly.

I kept holding my belly as though shielding it from others and also to warn them that hello pregnant lady coming through!

But no matter how crowded Takashimaya was, I had to barge in to go check out the stuff at Sanrio. Stuff were on 20% sale!!

I ended up buying nothing for myself but a few things for Peter Pan Baby. So many cute pink useless stuff to get for baby girls but since Peter Pan Baby is a boy, he saved me lots of money! :)

-- Cinnamoroll handkerchief and Pon Pon Purin hand towel for erm feeding/burping time I guess --

-- A Shinkansen pouch to store his pacifiers when we bring him out next time :) --

-- Bath towels! But the towel on the left is actually from Bathing Ape which originally I wanted to get for myself but since it looks like something from BAPE kids, Peter Pan Baby can have it :) --

Hope Sanrio makes more stuff for boys soon!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things that I suddenly miss lately...

Ever since I got pregnant, I became real cautious about what I eat or drink.

At the start, I couldn't get used to not making my cup of coffee in the morning and was trying real hard to stay awake at work.

But after a while, I got used to living without coffee.

However, recently, I started realising I do miss a few things such as:

- Not being able to have my eggs sunny side up. Fried eggs are seriously boring to the max. And having Peter Pan Daddy eat them in front of you doesn't make it any more fun either.

- Not being able to have a cup of green tea after every full meal. I especially miss drinking it after lunch at work to help me digest the food and stay awake.

- Not being able to have raw hotate or lobster or sushi :( At first, I thought it didn't bother me because one can do without raw food for a while but I don't know why recently I've been craving for it.

Apart from food, I really miss being able to shop for normal-sized pretty clothes. I saw a few dresses lately and miss that feeling of just grabbing them off the rack because they're 'free' size.

And I can't just grab them off the rack because I wouldn't know how big I'd be even after delivering. So no point taking chances and wasting money that way.

Since the start of the pregnancy, I already miss watching horror/weird/gory movies. So guess what? Peter Pan Daddy and I are going to watch Shrek this Friday night instead -_-

Not that I have anything against Shrek but I would love the option of being able to watch everything. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of cartoons too!

But at the end of the day, after all this, the one thing that I know I'd miss the most is having Peter Pan Baby "flying around" in me.

So I better cherish this moment :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

24 weeks pregnant today!

Officially done with my 2nd trimester right? *gulp*

Hello 3rd trimester!

I'm 61.3kg today :(

Approximate calculation below:
1st trimester: 1kg
12 weeks - 23 weeks: 5.1kg
23 weeks - 24 weeks: 1.2kg

Total weight gain so far: 7.3kg

Well, I guess I had to pay the price for stuffing my face in rice and ice-cream last Fri-Sun which resulted in a 1.2kg weight gain in a week! *sniff*

It was a long weekend ok! And I did loads of walking due to shopping which made me really hungry! *defensive*

I hope all the fats went to Peter Pan Baby and not my arms, thighs, or FACE! Yep, chubby cheeks for Peter Pan Baby pleaseeeeeeee!!! :)

Didn't take a photo of my belly this week as it probably would look the same as last week. I shall take a photo of it in another 3-4 weeks time and we shall compare it with last week's photo.

Other than the extreme weight gain, nothing much has changed. But I do get tired very easily nowadays. Walking short distance also makes me wanna lie down for 10 minutes after.

Peter Pan Baby on the other hand, seems to be enjoying himself each day rolling and swimming around. Each time he does a big move, I'll ask Peter Pan Daddy to come feel it and Peter Pan Baby just stops.

I think he can hear me calling out to Peter Pan Daddy. Super cheeky or what!

I really really hope I won't get too big during the 3rd trimester. I don't wanna be tired and uncomfortable at the same time.

16 more weeks to go y'all!!