Friday, April 16, 2010

My episode with piles

Tuesday night I think I had a bit of constipation. I was trying real hard to go in the toilet and just as I pushed out a hard stool, I think it kinda scraped my skin.

And so I was bleeding. As in each time I wiped, there was blood on the tissue paper.

It didn't stop on Wednesday so I decided to take leave on Thursday to go see the doctor and perhaps get a cream for my pile.

I already had the small little pile before pregnancy and I wasn't sure if the hard stool aggravated the pile or it was just my skin that got scraped.

Anyhoo, my usual gynae isn't at Prince Court on Thursdays so I went back to the terror doctor at Tawakal Hospital.

The night before I was kinda hoping that the doctor wouldn't ask to examine my pile/butt but on Thursday morning I decided to clean myself thoroughly just in case the doctor would really want to examine there.

When we went into the doctor's room, he asked us why we were back so fast as it was only a 1-week gap since we last saw him.

I told him that I just needed to get some cream for my pile and he asked me if it was bleeding and I told him it was and then he straight away went like 'let me see'.

I straight away burst out laughing out of embarrassment and the doctor was like 'what's so funny about a bleeding pile?!'.

Ok ok, people nervous-lah what?

So as I laid on my side on the bed of humiliation, the doctor was looking through around the butthole area and kept saying 'pile? nothing also?' and finally when he found the tiny pile, he flicked it and went like 'oh! this one'.

He practically flicked it ok? Like a deflated balloon.


I was beyond embarrassment.

And there he could still ask me whether I wanted a pill to be stuffed up my butthole or a cream to apply instead.

I mean what could be more humiliating than a doctor flicking your pile? Him inserting a pill into your @sshole!

So I chose the latter.

And Peter Pan Daddy is suppose to help me apply the cream as I can't see the pile on my own. So that's what husbands are for.

After flicking the pile episode, Peter Pan Daddy could still ask to view Peter Pan Baby. More moments of embarrassment to endure in that room.

But after seeing Peter Pan Baby on the screen (although he was in an awkward position head down but doctor said nothing to worry about), I don't mind getting more piles flicked just to ensure that Peter Pan Baby is alright.

I love you Peter Pan family!!! *muacks*

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