When I went for my usual check-up at 15 1/2 weeks, I was hoping that my gynae could already see whether it was a boy or girl.
But as he was scanning, he told us to give him 1 more month to confirm.
This didn't affect Peter Pan Daddy one bit as he didn't want to find out in the first place saying that he wants to keep it a surprise. Me on the other hand, who is dying to get that pink Juicy Couture baby bag cannot wait to find out.
So the week after that, I kept researching for other doctors that could view the gender at an early stage and even asked one of my friends where to do the 3D scan.
She gave me the contact at Sunway Medical Centre and when I called, they didn't want to take me in as I was only 16 weeks plus. She told me to come back around 23 weeks for the scan instead.
Like that I might as well just wait for my own doctor to confirm right?!
Anyhoo, last Friday, I woke up with a really bad diarrheoa. Then at work, it changed to watery diarrheoa and it didn't help that I had heartburn too.
So my colleague told me about her friend that went to this gynae who was able to tell her friend's baby's gender at 15 weeks! Damn terror or what this doctor!
So since I was having diarrheoa like mad, and I needed to get an mc, I decided to go see this terror doctor who is attached with Tawakal Hospital.
Woah, that hospital is damn dodgy can? It's like a row of shoplots converted into a 'hospital'. Super old school.
There is actually a new building behind it and apparently that's where the new Tawakal Hospital will be at so I guess they finally realised they had to upgrade huh?
Anyways, as I arrived at the Tawakal gyane's clinic, (oh btw, no need to book appointment one apparently it's all walk-in) they asked me to take a urine test.
And this urine test is damn gross because the nurse asked me to pee into this urine cup that was sitting on their toilet basin and mind you, it was already wet when I picked it up thinking they probably rinsed it before I went in.
So after pee-ing, I screwed on the cap, opened the toilet door and the nurse was already standing right in front of my face. She asked me to unscrew the cap, then she dipped this strip thingy into my urine and then asked me to dispose off the urine and wash the cup!!!!
GROSS OR NOT YOU TELL ME?! Prince Court Hospital actually uses a brand new urine cup each time and there this Tawakal place reuses their cups and it's not even sterilised ok! Just rinse with running water from the tap *faints*
Anyways, urine test story aside, when I went in to see the doctor, he was a very nice man - old but patient. He asked me to go onto the bed and started scanning.
Then he asked us whether we already know the gender. I already warned Peter Pan Daddy before we went in not to burst my bubble about wanting to know the gender so he kept quiet and I answered, 'no, can we know now?'. And the doctor told us, 'of course!' and asked one of his student nurses to guess the gender.
And tah-dah...

- it's a boy -
So bye bye pink colour clothes. Bye bye pink colour Juicy baby bag. Bye bye pink/purple toys.
Hello blue and Thomas the Train.
And the doctor said he was 100% sure of it. And the reason why he's that terror is because his machine is 4D (ooooooo).
Since we already found out the gender, we were going through names that night online.
When we came to the alphabet 'P', I saw Peter and went like 'PETER PAN!'.
Peter Pan Baby can be 'Peter Tan' (pronounce the 'Tan' as 'ten' in a hongkie accent and we're good to go!) which rhymes with Peter Pan.
But obviously his real name isn't going to be Peter :) We already have a name in mind and until a better one comes along, we're sticking to the one we are both ok with.
So that's where my inspirasi came about to name this blog. And now you all know why 'Peter Pan'.
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