- Weighed myself this morning and I'm at 58.7kg. No doubt I'm getting heavier each day eeek!
Approximate calculation:
1st trimester: 1kg
12 weeks - 19 weeks: 3.2kg
19 weeks - 20 weeks: 0.5kg
Total weight put on so far: 4.7kg
- Took a photo of my tummy:
- My gums have been bleeding whenever I use a non-electric toothbrush. I've been so afraid to see blood that I've stopped flossing at the start of this pregnancy.
- Peter Pan Baby's movements are really low still. He normally taps me around my lower abdomen area. Wonder when he'll rise higher in my tummy.
Other than that, I can feel him tapping me more often these days. Even when I'm sitting at my desk at work. He's just so cute with his lil' taps.
The other day Peter Pan Daddy and I went to watch Iron Man 2 in the cinema and Peter Pan Baby was tapping me non-stop. I think it was too loud for him?
- The skin on my face is still rather dry no matter how much moisturiser I apply. I recently changed to a moisturiser for dry skin (previously using a combination skin one) so I'm hoping that that'd work.
- I am beginning to love ice-creams and cakes again. But I do refrain myself by replacing those cravings with milk or fruits instead. Or water. And by looking at my mom's Arnott's cookies, I sometimes feel like just taking 1 piece but also refrain myself.
- My pregnancy rashes on my tummy have been visiting me again. The skin part especially around the navel hurts. But goes away after a day. And comes back the next few days or so.
- I have been getting headaches on and off lately. But they aren't as bad as the ones I experienced during the 1st trimester.
- I'm currently becoming more conscious about people who know that I'm pregnant checking out my tummy area when I walk past them. I know that I'm suppose to look this way but I somehow feel that they're checking out how big I am.
- I read in some books and blogs that it may seem awkward for people to touch your tummy without you inviting them to do so. I kinda personally like it because I feel that it's a way for Peter Pan Baby to feel loved with so many people 'touching' him.
Other than the above, I feel pretty alright at the moment. Still tired and sleepy most of the time but I've always been this way so what's new? :)
Will be going for the anomaly scan next Tuesday. Can't wait to see Peter Pan Baby again and hopefully all is well.
yup... cant wait to see peter pan baby in 4D :)