Monday, May 31, 2010

Pregnancy rashes

Last weekend, my belly was filled with rashes and it got to a point whereby it kinda freaked me out.

So although I already knew the answer because I consulted my gynae before, I still had to go and ask Peter Pan Daddy to surf online to see if these rashes are harmful to Peter Pan Baby because I need constant reassurance like that.

And according to this site online, it's pretty harmless to you and your baby except for the itch. But the weird thing is that my rashes don't itch. They're just there on my tummy like a form of decor -_-

Anyhoo, as we read on, apparently 70% of women who have it give birth to boys and this is due to the hypothesis that the male fetal DNA acts as a skin irritant.

More hair and pregnancy rashes. How fun!

Well, I guess it's better than getting acne all over your face, huh?

*touch wood* I hope I didn't just jinx my face. Ok, I probably just did by saying it out loud typing it out.

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